Stay Compliant With Rules and Regulations While Sending SMS Notifications
Overview Notifying customers about upcoming sales, new products, exciting coupons, etc. is essential, but complying with rules and regulations like TCPA, GDPR, CTIA, etc. holds the utmost importance. This help guide will teach you how to get consent from your customers for sending marketing notifications. What you'll learn In this tutorial, we'll discuss: Key regulatory definitionsPopularHow to Enable and Customize SMS Opt-in at Shopify Checkout
Overview Having your customer’s consent to receive marketing SMSes at checkout is one of the best ways to quickly grow your SMS list, as the customer is already highly engaged with your brand and about to make a purchase. AfterShip SMS allows your customers to subscribe to your marketing SMSes through a checkbox available on the Shopify checkout page. What you’ll learn How to enable SMS opt-in at Shopify checkout (3-how-to-enable-sms-optFew readers